Farrell's Food Facts


  • Capsaicin is a chemical found in Chillies which is the cause for the intense heat felt.
  • Good news for those who are diabetic! Eating chillies can help control the levels of insulin after eating a meal.
  • Chillies do a very good job of efficiently clearing your nasal passages if you are congested. Extremely helpful if you are suffering from  a cold which is stopping you from breathing properly. 
  • The chemical found in chillies is a thermogenic compound which aids in the burning of fat by increasing the metabolic rate. 
  • Chillies can help as a thinner for blood, preventing strokes. 

  •  Paprika contains very high levels of vitamin C, also known as Ascorbic acid. This, in addition to the high level of antioxidants results in a stronger immune system.
  • Paprika is known to improve digestion by speeding up the production of saliva and digestive juices.
  • Paprika is believed to be a brilliant stimulant and is used widely to treat conditions like poor circulation, tiredness, lethargy and depression.
  • By boosting circulation paprika will help keep a person’s blood pressure in check.
  • Paprika is packed with essential minerals like iron and magnesium. These minerals help boost heart health.

  •  Quino has become known as the SUPER-CROP! It might look like any other grain but it's not even considered a carbohydrate, it's protein!
  • Quinoa contains an amazing variety of vitamins and minerals. In my opinion, one of the best components of quinoa is a compound called Flavonoid. The properties of this plant metabolite include; anti-allergic, anti-inflammatory, anti-microbial, and anti-cancer. 
  • The fats found in this crop are all heart-healthy fats. One of the fats featured is the omega-3 fatty acid. 
  • The next best thing about Quinoa is that none of the cooking methods (boiling, smmering, steaming) compromise its nutritional benefit. 

  • Turmeric is a natural antiseptic and antibacterial agent.
  • It has been shown that when turmeric is added to cauliflower it can prevent prostate cancer.
  • It naturally detoxifies the liver.
  • Turmeric may slow the progression of Alzheimer's disease by removing amyloyd buildup in the brain.
  • It is a natural pain killer and anti-inflammatory. 

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